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Tesla Soundation

"For years I pondered, so to speak, day and night over books, and filled ,my head with sound views- very sound ones, indeed- those of others. But I could not get to practical results. I then began to work and think Independently. Gradually my views became unsound, but they conducted me to some sound results."  -Nikola Tesla

Tesla coins and collectables!
For more Details from the Coin Supplier visit TeslaCoinShop.com

We have been working closely with the supplier and they have  given us the opportunity to promote some of the rare collectible numismatic coins. available direct from the manufacturer, National Bank of Serbia, The products help to sponsor future online content about Nikola Tesla via the Spirit of Nikola Tesla.

two blue cruiser bicycles on graffiti wall


This site is to support and assist in the work of the Spirit of Nikola Tesla

The Spirit of Nikola Tesla is dedicated to creating content to educate people on the resonant concepts Nikola Tesla relayed through his philosophy, inventions and biographical experiences. Authentic textual source material is the focus, while the visual context is created to assist in developing an understanding of one of the most mysterious, controversial and prolific scientists of history.


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